Tag Archives: movies

BBC News: Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their rooms? Comment: Social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, depression, we who have encountered this desire from involvement with people can identify with what appears to be happening (new but unlikely) in Japan and South Korea.

BBC News: Hikikomori: Why are so many Japanese men refusing to leave their rooms? By William Kremer and Claudia Hammond BBC World Service As many as a million young people in Japan are thought to remain holed up in their … Continue reading

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SCIAM Today in Science: June 26, 2024: Today we’re covering a surprising weakness of lanternflies, car-crash data and what’s really killing whales.

—Robin Lloyd, Contributing Editor Real-World Recall Cramming is less effective for remembering something than repeat learning sessions spread over time, numerous experiments have confirmed. Psychologists call this the spacing effect. But the spacing effect may not work as well for … Continue reading

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