Tag Archives: learning

The Harvard Gazette: ‘Harvard Thinking’: How far has COVID set back students?

Nation & World ‘Harvard Thinking’: How far has COVID set back students? In podcast, an economist, a policy expert, and a teacher explain why learning losses are worse than many parents realize Samantha Laine Perfas Harvard Staff Writer May 8, … Continue reading

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Khan Academy and Microsoft are teaming up to give teachers a free AI assistant. Source: Fast Company – Plugged In. Comment: School teachers proved a nightmare for me especially maths in the 1970’s, I think the robot and Microsoft is something that will empower students

05-21-2024 TECH Khan Academy and Microsoft are teaming up to give teachers a free AI assistant AI assistant Khanmigo can help time-strapped teachers come up with lesson ideas and test questions, the companies say. [Photo: Maskot/Getty Images] BY Steven Melendez4 minute … Continue reading

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Discover Science that Matters: “How Words Struggle For Existence in Our Brains. Comment: TBI resulting in aphasia, brocas hones in the hidden desperation of people who sustain this damage but find it virtually impossible to explain to others. This makes speaking a dangerous stressful activity …

https://434c0892d826c8c4857f24e71b8401c2.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-40/html/container.html How Words Struggle For Existence in Our Brains Why are some words forgotten over time? Researchers investigate how words secure their place in the vocabulary of the future. By Cody Cottier Mar 15, 2024 1:00 PM (Credit: Kittyfly/Shutterstock) Newsletter … Continue reading

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Make Learning a Part of Your Daily Routine. Source: Harvard Business Review. (Personal comment: for those who have ‘senior moments”; early onset dementia, or have suffered from traumatic brain injury, this is an interesting article, just change it a little keeping in mind “The Hare and the Tortoise”. Learning, no matter how slow and tedious makes you a survivor). “Squiggly”: worth watch TED talk

Make Learning a Part of Your Daily Routine In our increasingly “squiggly” careers, where people change roles more frequently and fluidly and develop in different directions, the ability to unlearn, learn, and relearn is vital for long-term success. Harvard Business … Continue reading

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Winter 2023: “Dyslexia and the Developing Brain” Molly McDonough is the associate editor of Harvard Medicine magazine. Something we need to understand in the world of Neuro-Diversity of today. (Also note article in last weekend’s FT on how financial markets are impacted and what new ways of this neuro-diverse potential clients needs to be understood). These articles should be engaged with by people who have TBI, Stroke, and other conditions that lead to life changing events for people at any age.

Winter 2023 Dyslexia and the Developing Brain Research on dyslexia is identifying the many factors — neural to societal — that are linked to the condition December 2023 Roberto Olivardia As a child, Roberto Olivardia didn’t enjoy reading. Processing the … Continue reading

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