Tag Archives: homelessness

Harvard Public Health Magazine: Unhoused shows us the public health crisis under our noses

Unhoused shows us the public health crisis under our noses We can’t solve the problem of homelessness if we look away Harvard Public Health Magazine Search Open menu  OPINION Unhoused shows us the public health crisis under our noses We can’t solve … Continue reading

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Harvard Public Health Magazine: “Health care for the homeless” is just a start. People need housing.

Subscribe Opinion “Health care for the homeless” is just a start. People need housing. Otherwise, cycles of hospitalization will continue. Harvard Public Health Magazine “Health care for the homeless” is just a start. People need housing. Share This Filed Under … Continue reading

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AP: Record numbers in the US are homeless. Can cities fine them for sleeping in parks and on sidewalks? Comment: What can we learn from this in Ireland? Who supplies the tents? This can become, if not already is, an industry

Record numbers in the US are homeless. Can cities fine them for sleeping in parks and on sidewalks? The justices on Monday will consider a challenge to rulings that found punishing people for sleeping outside when shelter space is lacking … Continue reading

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Our new straight upfront, no nonsense publication The Gript. “Homeless Elderly: a new norm and a new low for Ireland”. Comment: Absolutely agree. Had occasion to go to social housing units in Dublin 4. Sad really, many were men, out of the family home and in social housing. Add to this how difficulty and how long you must remain on the housing list to be get a home.

https://8450a664becdbcd22946d40b5d374e88.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-40/html/container.html C: Shutterstock April 2, 2024   |   John Mac Ghlionn   |   Comment Ireland Homeless Elderly: a new norm and a new low for Ireland In recent times, according to two charitable organizations, Alone and Threshold, there has been a … Continue reading

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McVerry Trust : we hope they are gaining the support from Government they require while in temporary distress. Austria has a population of 9 million, let’s look to how they deal with their homeless crisis. Comment: postings on this site under homelessness, mental illness, urban abandonments. “The Housing First Concept”. Do you know that “Austria is one of the ten richest countries in the EU and yet over 20,000 people have no home. They are homeless and living on the streets.”. Source: The Good Men Project

Home/Featured Content/Off the Street and Into a Home: Over 1,000 Homeless in Austria Get a Flat Off the Street and Into a Home: Over 1,000 Homeless in Austria Get a Flat An initiative by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, … Continue reading

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Why it’s so hard to end homelessness in America. Source: The Harvard Gazette. Comment: Time for Ireland and especially our politicians, in this election year and taking note of the 100,000+ thousand immigrants to land on our shore, we must Piggy back. There are many pitfalls to homelessness like poverty, absence of dual diagnosis, drug/alcohol addiction, veterans, drop-outs, and so many more especially when the policy was de-institutionalise those diagnosed with mental illness. Ireland: as we encounter problems with McVerry Trust who have successfully for decades improved the lives, similar to the narrative here, must be supported now, in their financial difficulties. We must learn from the research of others otherwise we will have more encampments than those seen presently at the canal, the Phoenix Park and now Lower Baggot Street. We need stop this now; piggy back on international research and create a system for those prone to homelessness to ensure they live (the reduced age of survival is a stark reminder of what poverty and homelessness can do to human beings) and can achieve supported lifestyles as provided by McVerry Trust and other AHB’s. Clarky Stephen Clarke who died recently opposite the Church in Dublin 2 was only 40 years old. Too young to die.

NATION & WORLD Quote from article “The public health infrastructure has always been the poor Cinderella, compared to the healthcare system, in terms of funding. We need increased investment in public health services, in the public health workforce, such that, … Continue reading

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Dublin’s First Homeless Death of 2024: A City Mourns Stephen ‘Clarkey’ Clarke. So sad and so near a decommissioned Church, if this was Japan, Churches are used to tend to the needs of the homeless. Speak to a homeless person and they will tell you the conditions they are expected to live in “noise, drug dealing, fights”. McVerry Trust are hands on dealing with people to give them a better chance than hostels yet they are under scrutiny now and little is known of what they are accused of.

Dublin’s First Homeless Death of 2024: A City Mourns Stephen ‘Clarkey’ Clarke By: BNN Correspondents Published: January 16, 2024 at 2:24 pm EST The lifeless body of Stephen ‘Clarkey’ Clarke, a middle-aged father, was discovered at the foot of a … Continue reading

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Skimping on homeless services “doesn’t work”. The State is about to pay more for them. Source: The Currency which I highly recommend. I cannot but say that the McVerry Trust crisis cannot be swept under the carpet; they may have financial difficulties which can and must be identified, but more important is the fact that the homeless people do not suffer. The idea of providing homes through Housing First has tackled what the Government are lacking in ie a moral compass. Politicians need to understand the content below and even join together to ensure McVerry Trust can continue doing what they are best at … and that is helping homeless people. It is worth noting Finland is the first country to prevent homelessness so why not share notes and work to end homelessness in Ireland once and for all.

Stories Skimping on homeless services “doesn’t work”. The State is about to pay more for them Beyond immediate shelter, more and more people need complex assistance to escape entrenched homelessness. Price competition between charities has pushed the sector to the … Continue reading

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Homelessness is at crisis levels in Ireland; but what can we learn from Germany? Let’s start with all the empty Churches. Decades ago in Toyko they made Churches open to the homeless.

SOCIETYGERMANY Wealthy Germany fails to slash homelessness Bettina Stehkämper 12/24/2023December 24, 2023 The German government plans to eradicate homelessness by 2030, but the chances of success seem slim. https://p.dw.com/p/4aNvf ADVERTISEMENT The first homeless people start arriving at Berlin’s Tabor church half … Continue reading

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