Day by day more and more sexual abuse is reported. Private schools are not immune and it is worth watching this interview by Princess Diana’s brother, Charles Spencer … talk about his school with teachers who were sadists, a woman “Please” who basically raped young boys. These schools moulded young people often sent to school at the age of 8. “Abuse is at its worst with people you are supposed to trust”… “Trauma has no sense of time”. Julie Samuel THERAPY WORKS. A Talk with Charles Spencer about Childhood Sexual Abuse. Where there are Predators there is Prey is a saying that captivates my personal attention and this telling of truth by a 59 year old should be told because vulnerabilities are not just about being poor; it is about people who look out for those they can abuse. Fr Shay Cullen talks about abuse of children in the Philippines via the webcam and their parents selling their children often babes in arms. There has to be a way of preventing paedophilia. Smart phones show that young boys are accessing porn and violence (through games) as young as 10.


13 Mar 2024

Therapy Works

In this episode of the Therapy Works podcast, I’m speaking with Charles Spencer, who shares his traumatic experiences at a boarding school where he faced physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Charles discusses the profound impact these experiences had on his life, the complex process of healing, and the importance of speaking out to help others. Key Points Discussed: Enduring Abuse: Charles recounts the harrowing abuse he endured during his time at a particularly abusive boarding school, including sexual abuse, and the lasting impact on his psyche. The Healing Journey: The conversation delves into Charles’s extensive journey through therapy, including EMDR, and the role of writing his book as a form of therapy. Impact of Trauma: Charles reflects on how the trauma influenced his views on trust, relationships, and self-worth, emphasizing the importance of working through past pain for personal growth. Advocacy for Change: Highlighting the importance of advocating for the protection of children and raising awareness about the long-term effects of abuse, Charles discusses his hope that his story will inspire others to seek help and speak out. This episode is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, offering hope and solidarity to others who have experienced similar traumas. Charles Spencer’s candidness provides valuable insights into the complexities of healing from childhood abuse and underscores the power of vulnerability and truth in overcoming the shadows of the past. Thank you so much to Riverstone Living Kensington for hosting this important conversation:…

Then there is Gordonstoun where members of the Royal Family were educated…

About michelleclarke2015

Life event that changes all: Horse riding accident in Zimbabwe in 1993, a fractured skull et al including bipolar anxiety, chronic fatigue …. co-morbidities (Nietzche 'He who has the reason why can deal with any how' details my health history from 1993 to date). 17th 2017 August operation for breast cancer (no indications just an appointment came from BreastCheck through the Post). Trinity College Dublin Business Economics and Social Studies (but no degree) 1997-2003; UCD 1997/1998 night classes) essays, projects, writings. Trinity Horizon Programme 1997/98 (Centre for Women Studies Trinity College Dublin/St. Patrick's Foundation (Professor McKeon) EU Horizon funded: research study of 15 women (I was one of this group and it became the cornerstone of my journey to now 2017) over 9 mth period diagnosed with depression and their reintegration into society, with special emphasis on work, arts, further education; Notes from time at Trinity Horizon Project 1997/98; Articles written for 2003/2004; St Patricks Foundation monthly lecture notes for a specific period in time; Selection of Poetry including poems written by people I know; Quotations 1998-2017; other writings mainly with theme of social justice under the heading Citizen Journalism Ireland. Letters written to friends about life in Zimbabwe; Family history including Michael Comyn KC, my grandfather, my grandmother's family, the O'Donnellan ffrench Blake-Forsters; Moral wrong: An acrimonious divorce but the real injustice was the Catholic Church granting an annulment – you can read it and make your own judgment, I have mine. Topics I have written about include annual Brain Awareness week, Mashonaland Irish Associataion in Zimbabwe, Suicide (a life sentence to those left behind); Nostalgia: Tara Hill, Co. Meath.
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